

15生活的影子-1 The shadow of life

15生活的影子 The shadow of life

16卖VCD的雕刻女 The VCD-selling engraver

17归 On the way home

18背柴妇女 The fuel-wood-carrying woman

19柴 The fuel wood

20拾柴幼孩 The fuel-wood-collecting kid

21乡间孩童The rural children

22山寨孩童-1 Children in the village

23佤寨操场Playground of the Wa-minority village

24马路滑板车 Roller carriage on the road

25孩童与老妇 The child and old woman

26农家 The rural family

27集市-2 The bazaar






(c) 《中国摄影师》 2000-2007制作